Ria Warna have complete name with Victoria Margareta Arialeu, born in Tangerang Jawa Barat, 01 Maret 1977. She is a singer and one of member personel group vocal Warna with Nina Tamam and Dea Mirella.
Roro Rahmawati born in Sukabumi 30 November 1959, is Indonesia singer dangdut and creator of song lyrics. She ever make a song for singer Krisdayanti, other title her create have title : BERIKAN AKU CINTA, POP (2003), GOYANG KOPLO, DANGDUT (2005), BUSWAY DANGDUT (2007).
Ayu Ratna (born in Magelang, Jawa Tengah, 6 March 1985) is vocalist of group band music Garasi and actress Indonesia. She usual famous name with Ayu Garasi Band.
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