Revalina S Temat, usual call name with Reva,born in Jakarta, 26 November 1985. Her career start as model star, and ther as actress sinetron and film movie.
Rena Tabitha have complete name is Angelina Rena Santoso (born in Jakarta, 22 June 1979) is actress of Indonesia. Starting in entertainment when her home become as syuting iplace advertisement product. From this she plaiy in sinetron.
The last point is particularly important because the quality of the part can have a great bearing on the safety of the vehicle. Unfortunately, many poorly-made parts from off-shore suppliers have found their way into the market. The installation of these cheaply-made parts into a consumer's car can compromise the performance and safety of the vehicle. The cheaper parts also tend to fail earlier, often costing more money and grief for the consumer.
Sophia Inggriani Latjuba (born in West Berlin, Germany, 18 August 1970) or more popular with name Sophia Latjuba is star sinetron,singer,actress film and ad star. Famous with film Bilur-Bilur Penyesalan in 1987.
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