Dewi Persik have true name with Dewi Murya Agung (born in Jember, Jawa Timur, 18 December 1985; age 22 years) is singer dangdut of Indonesia. Her parents is H. Moch Aidil (father) and Hj. Sri Muna (mother) have still blood from Tionghoa of her grand mother.
Reni Sutiyoso is daughter from DKI Jakarta Governor Sutioso. She have boy friend Gading Martin that son of actress Roy Martin. She ever become as Model with her friend Fifie Buntaran.
She have true name with Cantika Ramona Felder and usually call name Cantika Atmanegara, born in Jakarta, 10 January 1990, her father is Alexander Felder and mother is Minati Atmanegara. She ever play on film Syahadat Cinta and sinetron My Love, and Cover Girl finalist 2004.
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