Lilis Karlina (born in Subang , 5 October 1974; age 34 years) is dangdut singer of Indonesia. Her name famous from song Goyang Karawang, she call with si Goyang Karawang. Her song have title like as Kejamnya Kasih (2001), Goyang Banondari (2004).
Lia Ananta have complete name Amalia Yuntia Dwi Wardhani is woman have profession as actress in Indonesia and born in Semarang, 30 December 1985 and her father H. Ananta Triwidya Warhana and mother Hj. Yuntianingrum Agustarini. She is young sister of Asty Anantaand old sister of Zaza.
Here's a secret: A mature, high quality woman is not going to press you into divulging information she knows she doesn't want to hear. And furthermore, a man and a woman on a date should first figure out if they even LIKE each other's company before drilling down to the depths of the netherworld of sexual pasts and so forth.
Yuyun Sukawati is sinetron actress, ever staring in Jin dan Jun. She pass education from Trisakti University of Economic Faculty. For now she have business in export.
Keep a little money in you car. Forgetting your purse or leaving your wallet in the wrong purse could cause you to run out of gas. It's an embarrassing situation and easily remedied. At some point, each and every one of these items will be a blessing to have on hand. Some of these scenarios are even based on personal experience; I'll let you decide which ones.
Ruth Lidwina Rebecca Tumewu or more call name with Becky Tumewu is girl born in Jakarta, 27 May 1970 have profession as MC, presenter, broadcaster radio and show program in indonesia entertainment. She shoe to sinetron comedy Lenong Rumpi and Harry-Harry Mau.
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