Syarmi Amanda is star actress sinetron and film of Indonesia. She bor in Jakarta, 22 September 1978 , more popular with serial TV hit Ada Apa dengan Cinta that show on RCTI.
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Silvana Herman more famous as sinetron starand actress film movie. The female who born in Jakarta, 15 December 1965 starting her career in theater stage, and then in film movie.
Lely Anggraeni or famous name with Angel Lelga or Angeliq (born in Surakarta, 1 January 1981)is sinetron actress of Indonesia. Rhoma and Angel Lelga meet when play on sinetron "Ibnu Sabil".
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Paula Allodya Item or usual call name with Audy born Jakarta, 23 April 1983, is Indonesian singer. She id daughter from popular jazz musician Jopie Item and Evie Aquanthie Aziz. She ever accept as ndonesian Favorite MTV Awards 2004.